
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Do The Foods We Eat Cause Diabetes?

By Ty Bolton

There are many causes of diabetes, and diabetes affects everyone differently. Many causes of diabetes are controllable, but some causes, such as hereditary factors, are beyond our control. In some cases, diabetes can be prevented, but you must know what causes diabetes, and avoid those causes.

As of today, the biggest cause of diabetes is the poor choice of foods that we eat. Studies have linked diabetes to obesity, and there is an obesity and diabetes epidemic in the U.S.

What are the foods that cause diabetes? They're processed foods that contain trans-fats, sugars and artificial preservatives. You should always eat whole foods, and keep your meals simple. We get in trouble when we add fatty sauces, gravy and cheese to our foods.

Eat lean cuts of meat, whole grains and leafy green vegetables. When eating carbohydrates, always choose complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are full of sugar, and will spike your blood sugar levels.

Avoid eating cereal that has a large amount of sugar. You should also avoid sodas, candies and sweets. If you have a craving for sweets, stick with fruit. Fresh and all natural fruit made with sugar-free jello is a healthy choice, and will satisfy your need for a sugar fix.

Complex carbohydrates are also a better choice because they digest more slowly than simple carbohydrates, and often are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Some great examples of complex carbohydrates are: whole grains, brown rice, whole wheat, beans, legumes and vegetables. These foods are also high in fiber, which is heart healthy.

Diabetes isn't caused by our eating habits alone. There are harmful substances that we indulge in that also causes diabetes. Many people love to have a glass of red wine after work, and maybe a cigarette. Alcohol and cigarettes has also been linked to diabetes.

We've all heard that alcohol is good for you when consumed in moderation, but it should never be consumed by diabetics. Alcohol, when digested by a diabetic, gets processed like fat in the body.
Alcoholic drinks can contain many calories, and spike your blood sugar levels. The carbohydrates in alcoholic drinks can also increase your appetite, and cause you to further increase your caloric intake.
There are many causes of diabetes that could be prevented by making better choices. So what causes diabetes? Mostly genetics, but we do have some control over how we live our lives in relation to slowing diabetes or preventing diabetes.

Did you know the foods you eat can learn how to prevent diabetes.
Article Source:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Best Ways To Prevent Diabetes

By Ty Bolton

The best ways to prevent diabetes is to live a healthy lifestyle. Although there are many ways you can limit your risk in getting type 2 diabetes, a proper diet and exercise is the first line of defense in preventing diabetes. You have to find a healthy lifestyle that is right for you, and stick with it.
As you may know, there's an obesity epidemic in the U.S. There has been many studies linking obesity to diabetes.

That explains why there is an overwhelming amount of people being diagnosed with diabetes. Try to stay as close to your ideal weight as possible. Keeping those extra pounds off can help you in your fight to prevent diabetes.

The best way to keep your weight down is by eating lean protein and fruits and vegetables. Eat foods that are rich in fiber and stay away from starchy processed and greasy foods. Eat whole grains, and brown foods over white foods. When I say brown foods, I'm referring to brown rice over white rice and whole wheat bread over white bread.

Exercising is a must when trying to support a healthy lifestyle to prevent diabetes. Find an exercise program that you enjoy. There are plenty of ways to get your required daily or weekly amount of exercising. Personally, I love to swim, lift weights, run, play basketball and tennis.

If you work or live in a tall building with flights of stairs, by all means walk a couple of flights of stairs. Not only will it help you drop a few pounds, your heart will thank you as well. Exercising can be fun and enjoyable if you find physical activities that you enjoy doing. Flying a kite or chasing your children around the house is also good exercise. If you like to shake your groove thing, you can dance the pounds away.

I know it's not easy to pass on the pizza, burgers and fries. Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean that you can't indulge in those guilty pleasures, it means that you can't indulge everyday. If you eat pizza on Monday, try eating fish and veggies on Tuesday. If you eat a burger on Wednesday, try eating a tofu stir fry on Thursday. Small changes in your eating habits will get you started on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Preventing diabetes doesn't take a PhD., it takes discipline and love -- love for yourself. You owe it to yourself and to your family and friends to live a healthy lifestyle. Changing your bad habits won't happen over night, but with determination and a strong will to win, you'll make it. Keep working at it, and you to can prevent diabetes.